1980s EA/DE/0043

Humans possess the unique ability to create objects. These creations are not merely survival tools or means to improve comfort; they represent goals, showcase abilities, and shape identities. We are not only Homo sapien but also Homo faber, makers and users of objects. Yet we know little about what objects truly mean to people. Is this cigarette-made round box a nicotine love letter or a display of craftsmanship?
Regardless, the knick-knacks and trinkets accompanying us through life are more than mere playthings or distractions from our inevitable end. They embody our aspirations and serve as testaments to our skills and memories.


1980s EA/DE/0043

Humans possess the unique ability to create objects. These creations are not merely survival tools or means to improve comfort; they represent goals, showcase abilities, and shape identities. We are not only Homo sapien but also Homo faber, makers and users of objects. Yet we know little about what objects truly mean to people. Is this cigarette-made round box a nicotine love letter or a display of craftsmanship?
Regardless, the knick-knacks and trinkets accompanying us through life are more than mere playthings or distractions from our inevitable end. They embody our aspirations and serve as testaments to our skills and memories.