1980s EA/PO/0010

In Western cultures, stages of history are marked by the types of objects people could create. The Paleolithic period derives its name from the crude stone tools in use throughout its long millennia, while the Neolithic period refers to the time when stone was increasingly shaped to conform to users’ designs. This beer label collection represents a phase in history where the primal collecting drive intersects with the effects of modern labor division. Collections no longer reflect an owner’s abilities or assets; instead, they’re a result of yesteryear’s brain wiring, a dopaminergic compulsion akin to a sugar craving.


1980s EA/PO/0010

In Western cultures, stages of history are marked by the types of objects people could create. The Paleolithic period derives its name from the crude stone tools in use throughout its long millennia, while the Neolithic period refers to the time when stone was increasingly shaped to conform to users’ designs. This beer label collection represents a phase in history where the primal collecting drive intersects with the effects of modern labor division. Collections no longer reflect an owner’s abilities or assets; instead, they’re a result of yesteryear’s brain wiring, a dopaminergic compulsion akin to a sugar craving.