1950s EA/DE/0033

Four sun-faded headshots from the golden age of Hollywood give us an insight into the stardom of silent actor Greta Garbo. While two of the images capture the classic three-quarter profile typical of the era, the remaining pair unveil a tender vulnerability of an actress trying different poses and simply doing her best to live up to the expectations set forth by a notoriously unforgiving time in the industry. Looking back at her beauty one can’t help but ponder whether it’s truly timeless, or if she set the norm of what’s considered good looking today.


1950s EA/DE/0033

Four sun-faded headshots from the golden age of Hollywood give us an insight into the stardom of silent actor Greta Garbo. While two of the images capture the classic three-quarter profile typical of the era, the remaining pair unveil a tender vulnerability of an actress trying different poses and simply doing her best to live up to the expectations set forth by a notoriously unforgiving time in the industry. Looking back at her beauty one can’t help but ponder whether it’s truly timeless, or if she set the norm of what’s considered good looking today.