1960s EA/EL/0003

Helios was a Greek science magazine that extensively employed illustrations to convey scientific ideas. This practice has deep historical roots; for vast periods of time, art served as the sole means for conducting certain types of scientific explorations, such as examining the mysteries of the new world or delving into the intricacies of botany. In retrospect, it can be challenging to distinguish between art and science. Were Muybridge’s photographs of animals in motion raw data for physiologists or a form of art? As science progresses, what often endures from these old magazines is the art they contained.


1960s EA/EL/0003

Helios was a Greek science magazine that extensively employed illustrations to convey scientific ideas. This practice has deep historical roots; for vast periods of time, art served as the sole means for conducting certain types of scientific explorations, such as examining the mysteries of the new world or delving into the intricacies of botany. In retrospect, it can be challenging to distinguish between art and science. Were Muybridge’s photographs of animals in motion raw data for physiologists or a form of art? As science progresses, what often endures from these old magazines is the art they contained.